Julie Goldspink

Julie works in the area of traditional media but does a lot of experimenting in the area of Mixed Media, while she is probably best known for Watercolours. She likes to describe herself best as a Realist impressionist and doesn't like to be governed by one style, medium or subject. Watercolours are wet into wet technique.

"Art is an addiction for me that never wanes, I hope to be able to enjoy painting and exhibiting for the rest of my life. As I travel around I realise that there wont be enough years to paint all the scenes I see in this life time. I will have to be reincarnated for a few lifetimes, I am sure of that."

"You have to be passionate and self critical about painting when your putting yourself on show. For the public and hopefully selling to people from Australia and overseas."

"The love and magic of creating a new artwork lives in the soul, and in my case consumes every part of me plus every minute I can spare Then when I do get an opportunity I go off on another plein air painting trip, or another workshop to learn something new. As life is an eternal learning journey and my inspiration is born out of all the beauty of this world and not the ugly as we see portrayed in so many artworks these days."

554 Julie Goldspink Mop Size 10 Synthetic
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554 Julie Goldspink Mop Size 10 Synthetic

554 Julie Goldspink Mop Size 10 Synthetic

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Julie Goldspink