by Nina R.
This was my first time buying this product, the quality is really great. I bought this size to cut down to A2 size and use the spare for swatches. When I received it, the size of the paper made sense as it has an embossed logo in two diagonally opposite corners, so depending on your use you may not be able to use the whole paper for your art project.
The paper came very well packaged, sandwiched between two thick bits of card and then also carefully wrapped in butcher's paper.
It takes ink and water very well.
I will definitely buy again.
by Jennifer H.
Just love the Arches watercolour paper as it suits my style of painting. Excited to try out the 640gsm. Package arrived in good order and well packaged.
by Sharon H.
I haven't used it yet, but it won't be long. I will definitely keep you tuned. The delivery service is great.